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Photo of arch leading into Hyde Park
Hyde Park: Life on the Avenues Photo of arch leading into Hyde Park
Photo of arch leading into Hyde Park
Detail from PICA 02628

Knowing that families considering building at Hyde Park would want a school nearby, Shipe built one at Speedway between 38th and 39th streets. He used lumber from the old fairground grandstand and paid the teachers' salaries himself the year it opened. Shipe also donated land at Guadalupe and 39th Street for the erection of an interdenominational church which later became the Hyde Park Christian Church.

Photograph of group of people standing in front of church under construction The first Hyde Park Baptist Church, located south of 39th Street on Speedway, was moved to 40th and Avenue B in a ploy by Col. Shipe to rid Hyde Park of its only saloon, which by law could not operate within a certain distance of a church. In 1921 the building was moved across the street to 3913 Avenue B where it serves as the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church.
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Photograph of large group of students in front of the Baker School Baker School was built on the site of the Hyde Park Pavilion in 1911. It replaced the original Hyde Park School on Speedway.
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Photograph of church building In 1909 construction began on the second Hyde Park Baptist Church. The Austin Statesman reported that the new building would cost $15,000 and that "special exercises were held to celebrate the breaking of dirt for the building."
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Photograph of large group of people in front of church building The congregation of the Hyde Park Christian Church posed for this photograph on the first Sunday in May, 1911. The church building, originally located at 39th and Guadalupe, was moved to 4115 Avenue D in 1910 and enlarged.
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Photograph of group of children on the steps of the school, two of whom are holding a trophy After winning the citywide music memory contest three years in a row in the early 1920s, Baker School was allowed to keep the trophy. To be eligible to compete in the contest, children had to receive perfect scores for identifying musical excerpts in a preliminary competition.
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